The other day whilst I was exploring, for me, a somewhat unfamiliar area of the city-the west end of Bourke Street.... I stumbled across a new cafe,
Kinfolk, a non for profit business that supports international development projects.This was intriguing to me so I went in to find out more.
Delightfully welcomed in for a coffee, I was shown the current selection of four local & international charities, creatively displayed on chalkboards and using photos, the likes of an anti-traficking program in Ghana, a Malawian development project 'Pump it'and Melbourne based charity,
Urban Seed.
After purchasing my coffee I was shown a big jar of coffee beans on the counter, asked to take out a bean and place in one of four jars, each labeled with a selected project. My small coffee donation in contribution to others....
Kinfolk Cafe is situated within
'Donkey Wheel House' a 'new dynamic social space' for artists, philanthropic organizations....well worth a visit.