Friday, March 4, 2011

Pop ups are fun, but prefer the real thing -

I ventured out today to catch up with some small businesses I have not been chatting to for a while, and amongst saying "Hi" to valued colleagues, I visited the much hyped Broadsheet Cafe in Crossley Street....

Day 1 is by Seven Seeds, and passionate founder Mark Dundon was there orchestrating the tiny room... Great to see him out front.. The room was quietly filling, and almost all food was gone..

Pop ups are great for the buzz they generate, and congrats to Broadsheet on the idea, but for my money ( precious as it is) do your self a favour and go fr the real thing.. its not even that far - Seven Seeds is an awesome venue, the machines and products are worked, tuned loved daily.. and this is seen in the results! ( I don't know how to make coffee or the essentials to do so, but know those who do...)

So take yourself for a walk, or a tram ride and head to one of their 3 current locations.. and get a great coffee, that you can go back for again.. as you will surely want to!

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