Thursday, March 4, 2010

Nitts, Lice, and all things nice.. Dandruff = Art

Its all in the way you sell it... Hair, Dandruff, Lines, ....

No Vacancy gallery - a clever use of space in the corridoor filled QV - in Jane Bell Lane.. has a new show next week... with Indonesian born Melbourne artisit Eveline - check out her Video...:)

Eveline Tarunadjaja is ready to share her love if hair with us in the middle of Fashion Week - and its Dandruff... :) Her lines, and mischevious details have caught my eye before, and I look forward to seeing more works in this great open space.. whether for Opening Night on 11th March, or heading in just for a quiet look, No vacancy and the team will always in spire with local and international works.. see you there...

March Madness is HERE -- start with the MOUSE

The fabulous team at MOTH have shone the spot light on yet another one of Melbourne's Relics... this time the ill-fated, and yet to be redefined,( not from want of trying)... Military and Navy Club - up on Little Collins Street -

This Friday those in the know, will celebrate the return of the always inspiring, but fleeting Penthouse Mouse... and if you have been before... this year promises more of the same in a less industrial wasteland space.... though industrial is still a flavour - of sorts - then of course the rest of us will visit in a more calm environment on Saturday - or the days that follow - all the while artists, sound makers, and the newer breed of Local fashion folks.. will share, indulge and sell... Join in the fun.. it will be gone before you can tell your friends... so even more reason to be part of it!

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